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Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)


Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)

(1 customer review)
5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Category: Injectable
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Cypionat 250 by Dragon Pharma is preferred by athletes who looking to put on size, because it is easily aromatized and fills the body with water. Even famous US bodybuilders use Testosterone Cypionate religiously, like Kai Greene (Stranger Things actor.) If you haven’t seen the Kai Greene grapefruit video, then it’s worth a watch, but study his physique when you do. This is the type of musculature that can be achieved with the use of Testosterone Cypionate.

It goes without saying that any gain is progress. In this case, testosterone cypionate fills you out, you gain more muscle. In the deep off-season, Testosterone Cypionate quite easily fits into many stack cycles, which is especially needed if the athlete has already developed a tolerance to Testosterone Enanthate.


Cypionat 250 for Bodybuilding

Testosterone Cypionate is not suitable for novice athletes, as it is a long ester, and on a solo cycle there may be drops in peak concentration levels of hormones in the blood (steroid pits). In general, we do not recommend starting your first cycle with pharmacology long drugs, because they are more difficult to administer, in addition, the benefits of cycles with long-estered drugs will be much greater when the cycle is finished with drugs with short esters, and this is a complex cycle that beginners just do not need. However, this does not mean that Cypionat 250 cannot be used solo, for example, in powerlifting such a cycle may be optimal. As for bodybuilding, to inject yourself with a long ester of testosterone solo is just a no go, but as part of a “mix” Testosterone Cypionate is very, very interesting.

Cycle of Cypionat 250

The recommend cycle duration is 6-15 weeks. Any less than this makes no sense to take, and longer cycles are performed by professionals who do not need advice.

Dosages range from 250 to 1000mg per week, but effective dosages start at about 500mg, more than 1000mg is meaningless for simple athletes to take, it is much more effective to include a third drug in the cycle for a synergistic effect.

Frequency of dosages: theoretically, Cypionat 250 can be injected every 2 weeks, but in practice, it is often injected once a week, but more regular dosages are advisable, so we recommend injecting long esters 2-3 times a week, depending on the dosage and the number of other drugs.

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Possible Side Effects of Cypionat 250

As a rule, there are no significant side effects at normal doses, but minimal side effects can still be felt. This is because there is an excessive amount of androgens which the body tries to balance with estrogen (the female hormone), and a large amount of estrogen can lead to the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as gynecomastia, water retention, and fat accumulation. To reduce all the negativity of the consumption, it is recommended to take anti-estrogens such as Clomid after the course.

1 review for Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)

  1. Frank Journey

    Ordered some Cypionat 250 from alpha-pharma a few months back and it has been surprisingly good. Ran a 14 week with some Deca and usually suffer from progestin issues, but keeping at just 500 P/W slightly above the Deca, I had no issues at all. Shows this test is fairly strong as the Deca never shut me down! The vials are also on the high side in terms of quality and the codes checked out. So im fairly sure this Cyp is on point.

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