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Contact Us

We receive a large number of inquiries related to the status of your order’s payment and delivery status. Therefore, before sending us an inquiry, we’ve made it convenient for you to find the information quickly:

Check whether payment verification for your order has been approved, declined, or pending.

Check if your order is ready for shipping, in the process of being shipped, or being reshipped (in the case it was seized by customs).

Once your order has been dispatched, your tracking code will become active within 2-5 days.

Our system will automatically email the tracking code to you.

You can also find your code by going to My Account then ‘Order History’

Easily track your order as it is being shipped to you in the USA.

If the order needs to be imported for you into the USA and it has been cleared by customs, click the button below to go to the USA tracking website.

Track any imported orders or orders that are delivered outside of the USA.

If the order needs to be imported into the USA and it has not yet arrived, or if your order is being delivered to another country, click the button below to go to the international tracking


Please send a support ticket if you are still unable to locate what you are searching for or if you would like to contact our customer care staff directly regarding a specific issue about our products or if you have a concern about our order.

Our office hours are Mondays to Fridays.

Our team typically responds to your direct messages within 2 days, but please be aware that weekends and public holidays will affect the overall response time.