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N-Lone-D 100 (Maxtreme)


N-Lone-D 100 (Maxtreme)


Manufacturer: Maxtreme Category: Injectable Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) Package: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)

N-Lone-D100 is a traditional injectable steroid by Maxtreme based on Deca Durabolin for sale with Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) as the active ingredient in a dose of 100mg/ml. It is frequently used in powerful steroid cycles for rapid and significant increases in physical strength and muscle gain.

Effects of Deca Durabolin

Deca injections encourage the rapid synthesis of amino acids in muscle fibers while also causing the muscles to retain fluid. Under the presence of this potent drug, the anabolic process in the athlete’s body will precede an order of magnitude much faster.

Due to the fluid that Deca creates and friction delays on the cycle, your joints will be highly lubricated while you’re exercising. This will make exercising much easier and reduce symptoms.

The aromatization of Deca molecules can occur during a mass-building cycle; however, this process needs to be managed and removed from operation as early as possible. In the absence of this, your muscles may get excessively saturated with liquid, and excess estrogen may eventually manifest.

During a cycle, Deca uses the anti-estrogen drug called Proviron to promptly and effectively deal with these possible side effects.

It is used for up to four weeks at the start of the cycle. You will be entirely shielded from the appearance of any bad phenomena during this period.


Methods of using Deca Durabolin

Nandrolone Decanoate dosage recommendations range from 200 to 400 mg per week. The cycle ought to last 8 to 10 weeks, no longer than that. However, it is ideal to combine a Deca cycle with oral or injectable steroids or testosterone.

Dianabol, an oral steroid, is ideal. It is an essential and extremely potent anabolic with a high androgenic and powerful anabolic activity. Dianabol and Deca are used for up to six weeks because they are such an efficient duo of drugs. 5 to 7 kg should be added to your muscle mass per month.

When accompanied with Nandrolone Decanoate, Stanozolol results in a more pronounced and lean muscle mass. Stanozolol considerably lessens fluid retention and inhibits Deca’s aromatization. The cycle of Stanozolol and Deca is essentially risk-free and intended for both newcomers and seasoned bodybuilders who value the importance of creating top-notch muscles.

Four to five pills of stanozolol are taken each day.

Up to 300mg of Deca is taken each week.


Deca’s possible side effects

There may be concerns during the cycle, such as headaches, rhinitis, back discomfort, rashes, an increase in blood pressure (BP), abdominal pain, irritability, and depression.