Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Category: Injectable
Substance: Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate (Steroid mix)
Package: 10ml vial (150mg/ml)
Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150 is a mixture of steroids with short esters, Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate, and is known for its powerful effects in cutting cycles. Bodybuilding and athlete’s representatives generally speak of a very strong substance that can cause lean muscle growth and physical strength in the shortest time. Due to the high level of anabolic activity and pronounced androgenic properties, such drugs may be recommended for use only in males.
If the mixture of compounds is taken according to all rules, Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150 produces these positive results:
Cut Mix 150 is a drug that is mainly used in the sports world. Cut Mix 150 fully fulfils its mission, as it increases strength and builds muscle mass effectively and efficiently. The drug is not recommended for women athletes due to high risk of the male characteristics (the development of hirsutism, appearance of a deep voice, change in body shape to the male type). Calculation of the right dose of testosterone mixtures plays an important role.
Read also about how do anabolic steroids work
In addition to the positive effects of taking a steroid mix like this one, it may cause a variety of side effects. Over time, athletes have reduced production levels of their own testosterone. In this regard, inflammation, female fat build-ups may occur, enlargement of the breast tissue (gynaecomastia). Also, such diseases such as acne, excessive skin fat, head hair loss and balding may occur after the inappropriate use of Dragon Pharma Cut Mix 150. There can be changes in mood and behaviour also, especially increased irritability and aggression. To reduce the risk of these adverse effects of testosterone in the period after its use, it is recommended to use anti-estrogen drugs and medicines that increase the production of the user’s own natural testosterone. At this level you can see the descriptions of form professional athletes, as well as read the reviews of those individuals who are already experienced in using such drugs. Here you will find information on the properties and effects on the body of steroids, peptides, anti-estrogens and other drugs that athletes use.
Depending on the application, the recommended dose may vary from 150 to 300mg per week. Due to the short esters of each ingredient, there is the need for frequent injections. Injections are advised to be performed every other day, or at least every 3 days. It can be very difficult to immediately determine the optimal frequency of the injections. This requires a certain amount of time and experience for athletes to choose what best works for them. To achieve the best results, you can mix this compound with other anabolic and androgenic drugs. The choice also depends on many factors. It is necessary to consider the previous experience levels of consuming these drugs, the desired goals of the athlete and your financial situation. A powerful cutting combination is the combination of Cut Mix 150 and Anavar, but these combinations are undesirable for beginner athletes due to the intensity of the cycle.
Arm James –
I bought a product from alpha-pharma for my boyfriend, and Ive been the one admiring the results. We have tried other products, Ive gotta say that alpha-pharma’s products are awesome! My boyfriend has already started his second cycle using the all in one product and got his desired physique. Whenever we order products from this site, the packaging is secure and wrapped professionally. I highly recommend this and Ill continue to order from this site seen as he isn’t the only one getting the benefits
Ted Ramos –
Alpha-pharma biz is the undisputed king of the best workout gears. They offer the cheapest yet most reliable items, and they are always wrapped securely and dispatched quickly. The efficacy is incomparable.
Wallace Rose –
This is some powerful gear. My personal laboratory results reveal some most satisfying numbers. I wouldn’t have found any deal better than this. Before I run out, I’ll purchase more.
Brendan Coleman –
I have tried various oils in the past, but this is the most potent yet. I haven’t experienced a test product this strong in my 40 years of weightlifting. I’m gobsmacked. Great work alpha-pharma biz!.
Ricky Bryant –
It took some time for me to find a dependable company like alpha-pharma biz. Ill be recommending this to my homies! I have bought 30 ampoules and had tremendous progress in muscle mass after only three weeks!!!