Buy Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) Steroids Online at Alpha Pharma Store
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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

The history of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate began more than fifty years ago. In 1960, the main pharmaceutical manufacturer Organon company experimented with Nandrolone. Eventually the company created an analog of Decanoate with faster results. It was created to be used in the medical field. The drug has been actively used for elimination of muscular dystrophy, for the recovery and prevention of breast cancer and in cases of growth retardation associated with hormonal failure in adolescents.

Effectiveness of NPP

Despite the effect similar to the Deca, the price of the drug is significantly lower. This is due to its faster half-life, although in most cases this is an advantage of the drug. Due to the fact that the ester chain of Phenylpropionate is two levels shorter than that of Decanoate, therefore, the time of impact to the body is shortened to a large extent. The frequency of side effects in NPP is significantly less than in Deca. On account of the short period of action, the side effects that have occurred can be quickly eliminated by simply stopping the intake. The only insignificant disadvantage of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is the need for frequent injections.

Read also about ester version of Nandrolone

Also, due to the long removal of metabolites from the blood, the steroid becomes undesirable among athletes whose sport requires undergoing a doping test. This is because the detection period of Phenylpropionate is from 16 to 24 months.

Athletes who have had to deal with NPP more than once note that the steroid practically does not retention water in the tissues. In this regard, one can combine it with “androgenic steroids” in contrast to Deca, which does not allow you to do this.